ISA & Junior ISA

An Individual Saving Account (ISA) is one of the simplest and most tax efficient investment vehicles available

Providing you with protection against income and capital gains tax,  we help you to utilise the tax free allowance of a Stocks & Shares ISA wrapper, either as an independent portfolio or as part of a client’s investment strategy.



Your options

We can ensure maximum benefits by managing or simply executing transactions in the most efficient investments within the tax-free shelter.

ISAs are not strictly investment products but a tax free wrapper in which to place investments, be it shares, bonds or cash.

The income tax savings available from the wrapper are considerable – especially for higher and additional rate taxpayers – which over a number of years can have a powerful compounding effect on investment returns. The sheltering of capital gains can also be particularly useful for avoiding tax in future years.

Junior Individual Saving Accounts (JISA)

Launched in 2011 to replace Child Trust Funds (CTF), they work in the same way as a normal ISA (from a tax perspective) though the maximum amount you can subscribe to annually is lower.

JISAs are available to all children under 18 except those that currently hold a CTF (impacting those born between September 2002 and January 2011). When a child reaches 18 the JISA transfers to an adult ISA and becomes fully accessible to the child.

Strong track record

As ISA managers and administrators since inception, we make the establishment of an ISA or JISA, as well as the transfer to ourselves of ISAs from other managers, simple.

Significant changes were announced in the 2014 budget that increased the opportunity for investors to benefit from tax free savings:

ISA Allowances 2020/21

Stocks & Shares ISA – £20,000

JISA –  2019/20 £9,000

Our application forms and information on charges can be downloaded here.